About Us :

Evelyn Adunka

Evelyn Adunka, Mag. Dr. phil, born in 1965, works as a free-lance historian, publicist and archivist in Vienna, specialising in modern Austrian-Jewish history, intellectual history and Austrian exile. She has produced more than 300 publications, among them books on the history of the Vienna Jewish community after 1945, Austrians in Palestine/Israel, and Austrian libraries looted in the NS-era. One of the most recent is Evelyn Adunka Der Raub der Bücher. Plünderung in der NS-Zeit und Restitution nach1945. Czernin Verlag, Vienna 2002, 310 p. The book describes the fate of Viennese Jewish libraries, of looted libraries which were transferred to Austria during the NS-era, and of several private Jewish libraries. It also describes the role of the state of Israel and of American Jewish agencies in dealing with heirless Jewish property after the Shoah.