
Curation de données : l’exemple de la base de données "Deutsch-französische Kunstvermittlung 1870-1940 et 1945-1960", Conférence, DFK Paris, 23 June 2022, 14.00-16.00

Events and Conferences
International Conferences

Lancement de la base de données et présentation de la nouvelle interface utilisateurs 

Depuis le printemps 2021, une équipe interdisciplinaire travaille sous la direction scientifique d’Anne Klammt à la réorganisation de la base de données du projet Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1870-1940 und 1945-1960, mené à bien entre 1999 et 2005 grâce à divers financements tiers. Cette base de données se compose de textes de critique d’art écrits par des auteur(e)s français ou allemands sur l’art de l’autre pays respectif. Dans le cadre du projet, ces textes ont fait l’objet d’une analyse critique par des historiens et historiennes de l’art à l’aide d’une base de données, travail qui a donné lieu à la publication de plusieurs ouvrages.

Dans une démarche de curation de données, laquelle s’attache à la réutilisation durable des données de recherche, la base de données – qui est de nouveau visible sur le site du DFK Paris depuis 2019 –a été mise à niveau techniquement et enrichie à l’aide de fichiers d’autorité, de façon à assurer une mise en relation optimale des connaissances. De même, les articles de critique d’art issus de revues ont été complétés grâce aux numérisations de la bibliothèque universitaire de Heidelberg et de Gallica (BnF). La nouvelle interface utilisateurs offre quant à elle un environnement de travail plus simple d’utilisation et des fonctions de recherche améliorées. La base de données, à présent de nouveau accessible au public, sera présentée lors de la conférence.

Outre la refonte de la base de données et de l’interface utilisateurs, des recherches ont été engagées afin de reconstituer le contexte historique de la création de cette base, qui remonte déjà à la fin des années 1990, de manière à mieux comprendre et situer les données telles qu’elles se présentent à nous aujourd’hui.

Cette manifestation donnera la parole aux membres de l’équipe de recherche pour présenter les différentes parties du projet de curation des données de la base Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung, avant de se conclure par l’inauguration officielle de la nouvelle interface utilisateurs.

DFK Paris, Saal Julius Meier-Graefe

Dr. Anne Klammt
Directrice de recherches / Responsable des Humanités Numériques
Téléphone +33 (0)1 42 60 89 50


(English translation)

Launch of the database and presentation of the new user interface

Since spring 2021, an interdisciplinary team under the scientific direction of Anne Klammt has been working on the reorganisation of the database of the Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1870-1940 and 1945-1960 project, which was carried out between 1999 and 2005 with the help of various third-party funds.

This database consists of art criticism texts written by French and German authors on the art of the other country. Within the framework of the project, these texts have been critically analysed by art historians with the help of a database, resulting in the publication of several books.

As part of the data curation process, which aims to ensure the sustainable reuse of research data, the database - which has been visible on the DFK Paris website since 2019 - has been technically upgraded and enriched with authority files to ensure optimal linking of knowledge. The art criticism articles from journals have also been supplemented with digitisations from the Heidelberg University Library and Gallica (BnF). The new user interface offers a more user-friendly working environment and improved search functions. The database, which is now accessible to the public again, will be presented at the conference.
In addition to the redesign of the database and the user interface, research has been undertaken to reconstruct the historical context of the creation of the database, which dates back to the late 1990s, in order to better understand and situate the data as it stands today.

The event will give the floor to members of the research team to present the different parts of the data curation project of the Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung database, before concluding with the official inauguration of the new user interface.

Background March 2021

The Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung (médiation artistique franco-allemande) 1870–1940 und 1945–1960 curation project was established to investigate methods and technologies for data curation in digital art history. It is a contribution to the broader issue of the "FAIRification" of data and the establishment of a true open science in the humanities and cultural sciences.

The term "curation" here refers to the adjustment to technical standards that ensure a continuous improvement of data accessibility as well as its secure storage in appropriate repositories. The issue of standards and accessibility is considered here from the perspective of the specific needs of different categories of users. These differ mainly in the way they want to work with the data: they may want to consult the data on the DFK Paris website, or visualise and analyse it using other digital tools. While these specific needs are already taken into account in the current DFK Paris projects, as is the case in the digital publications ARCHITRAVE - Art and Architecture in Paris and Versailles in the accounts of German travellers in the Baroque period, this cannot be transposed to older databases and publications without extensive curation work. This work is equally concerned with the structuring and referencing of the data itself, as well as with its presentation on the website.

Such work presupposes a precise knowledge of the research field for which the data are of direct interest, and therefore for which they must be accessible and usable. In addition, curation must preserve the historical integrity of the data and make it transparent. Research data are the product of scientific work that has been developed according to a specific questioning, a given theoretical approach and a specific methodology. Like classical scientific publications, research data are the result of an intellectual, institutional and also personal context. This aspect is often not documented in itself, especially when the corpus of data, as in the case of the Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung database, was initially conceived as an internal working tool and the publication came later. The research project has therefore set itself the task of making this context tangible through a retrospective analysis of the genesis of the database. The work on this aspect is carried out in close collaboration with Mathilde Arnoux and the research field Transculturality and Mobility. This is a particularly interesting dimension, as the research field is also being developed in contrast to past research.

In addition, the research project allows art historians who are doing an internship or working as an assistant in the Digital Humanities research infrastructure to acquire knowledge and develop their digital skills. These young researchers are fully involved in all stages, from conception and preparatory work to concrete implementation.


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