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Erworben aus „jüdischem Vermögen“ Gra­fi­sche Blät­ter der Samm­lung Haymann - Acquired from 'Jewish property', graphic works from the Haymann collection, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Exhibition 16 April - 3 July 2016

Lyonel Feininger

In 1943 the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe acquired a large bundle of books and graphic portfolios from the Müllheim tax office. The Jewish doctor and art collector Hermann Haymann from Badenweiler had pledged the works on paper in 1938, in order to settle the property and flight taxes imposed on him and which were necessary to be able to flee Germany for the USA.   After the war, this acquisition was registered with the US American military government as a purchase of "Jewish property" and many of the works of art were restituted in 1951 to Hermann Haymann.

As part of the Kunsthalle's current provenance research project, eight portfolios containing 75 expressionist prints and an art book were identified that had been apparently forgotten in the earlier restitution.

Mrs Rina Lior Alexander of Israel is Hermann Haymann's niece and last surviving relative. She decided not to keep the art which has now been repurchased by the Kunsthalle.

This exhibition, which provides access to this special collection from April 16 to July 3, 2016, has been created in order to preserve the memory of Hermann Haymann and the fate of the Jews of Baden Württemberg.

Kaethe Kollwitz

Otto Dix

Max Beckmann

To read the press release, click here.

Von 20.02.2016 bis 10.07.2016
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accessed 29 April 2016