Lawsuits :

Judgement of the Bundesgerichtshof (German Supreme Court) in the case of the Hans Sachs Poster Collection 24 April 2012

The decision of the German Supreme Court, the Bundesgerichtshof, in respect of the Hans Sachs Poster Collection was published on 24 April 2012 and is available here.

On 16 March 2012 the Supreme Court had issued a press statement in respect of its judgement that the Hans Sachs Poster Collection be returned to the rightful owner, Peter Sachs. The statement can be read here. The Court ruled that Hans Sachs never lost legal ownership of the collection and the right to restitution, set out in the post war Federal Restitution Act, remains in force today. Therefore not to restitute would "perpetuate Nazi injustice".  The German Historical Museum Berlin, which has been holding the Collection, issued a statement also on 16 March that it would not resist the judgement of the Court and would enter into talks with Peter Sachs to return the Collection. Its press statement can be read here.