Provenance Research :

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (State Gallery Stuttgart)

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (State Gallery Stuttgart)

Research into Nazi-confiscated works of art in the museum's collection
In 2000 the painting Marchesa Imperiale mit Tochter (Marchesa Imperiale with her daughter ) by Rubens in the museum's collection was claimed by a French legal firm on behalf of the community of heirs of Jacob and Rosa Oppenheimer. The museum had purchased the painting in 1964 from a private collector. Research by the museum confirmed that the collector had bought it at an auction at Berlin dealer Paul Graupe on 26/27 April 1935. The auction was a forced sale of the works of Berlin art firms Galerie Van Diemen & Co./GmbH, Altkunst und Antiquitäten/GmbH and Dr. Otto Burchard & Co GmbH. In 1929 the Oppenheimer family had inherited the Margraf Group which encompassed these art dealerships as well as the jewellery dealer Margraf & Co. The family lost control of the group in 1933 due to Nazi persecution.

Historical research revealed that the Oppenheimer family had claimed the painting from the collector in the 1950s.The collector refused to return the painting, but eventually an out-of-court financial settlement was agreed in 1954. In this case this was considered the equivalent of a restitution today. On the basis of this information the 2000 claim was withdrawn. This conclusion also holds for the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, which has a Rubens painting, Bildnis der Marchesa Veronica Spinola Doria (Portrait of the Marchesa Veronica Spinola Doria ), purchased by the same collector at the same auction.

Research into cultural property missing from the museum
No information is available at present.

Contact Details
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 30-32
D-70173 Stuttgart

Klaus Schrenk, 'Das Gemälde "Bildnis der Marchesa Veronica Spinola Doria" von Peter Paul Rubens und die Chronologie einer Rückgforderung', in Koordinierungsstelle für Kulturgutverluste (ed.), Beiträge öffentlicher Einrichtungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Umgang mit Kulturgütern aus ehemaligem jüdischen Besitz (Magdeburg: Koordinierungsstelle für Kulturgutverluste, 2001), 150-159.In German, summary in English

<>, accessed 9 January 2003

See also: Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe