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On Art and Connoisseurship: In Memory of Max J. Friedländer – A Key Figure in the History of Berlin Museums, Exhibition Gemäldegalerie Berlin, 27 June - 24 September 2017

As an outstanding connoisseur of art and a key figure in the history of the Berlin museum landscape, Max J. Friedländer significantly enriched the inventories of Berlin’s museums, in particular the Gemäldegalerie and the Kupferstichkabinett, where he served as director from 1908 to 1930. Friedländer’s keen eye, his passion for the arrangement of images and his contacts among art dealers led to a whole range of significant finds and to the acquisition of unique masterpieces.


Max J. Friedländer um 1910


Max J. Friedländer 1947

To mark 150 years since Friedländer’s birth, the Kupferstichkabinett is presenting an exhibition in the Gemäldegalerie. A number of documents, interesting finds, and a small selection of Friedländer’s acquisitions for the various collections will be on show, including a little gem from the Gemäldegalerie, Friedländer’s favourite picture, Geertgen tot Sint Jans’s melancholic, contemplative John the Baptist.

Johannes der Täufer in der Einöde by Geertgen tot Sint Jans

For further details and how to get there, go to the Gemäldegalerie website at